U p s t a i r s

About (me)

I am a man in my late thirties. I have been enamored with computers and tech and the internet for as long as I can remember. I spent most of my childhood building computers and playing video games, fucking around on the internet, whatever that was back then, and doing whatever I could to collect all the music and videos and software I could find. Peer-to-peer filesharing became and obsession, and I still hoard digital stuff.

I’ve had a personal website of some sort for as long as I remember—I really like web code. Adding custom html to site builders as a young child made me feel like a hacker. Once I became well versed in html I started writing sites in notepad. For a while, my cousin and I were doing small web design projects for friends and friends of friends (he made a career out of it). In 1998 I stole an HTML reference (I wish I still had this) from Borders and boy, my DragonBall fanpage never looked better. Sometime later it turned into a ‘portfolio’ of sorts (art projects from highschool and short stories and whatnot for the writing track I was in), then in college it was a lot of scripts and stuff from Java class. Since then it’s been mostly just other projects—the DC++ Hub (which stayed up for almost 25 years), a pastebin, an imagehost, a filesharing forum, and a few other web projects. Most of it I just do for fun—I haven’t seen noteworthy web traffic since the days of ‘affiliates,’ and I honestly don’t care. I’m still just doing this for fun.

I don’t work in tech, but I never stopped building PCs and playing video games. Coming into adulthood, and money, of course, means that I have an ever-growing heap of gadgets, games, computers, and other things that are worth sharing with the internet. I’ve got a few tutorials almost prepared for doing things that I’ve had to figure out all or mostly myself. I’m also going to be sharing useful links for people who happen to be into the same things I am. I’ll also share some adventures in thrift-store tech finds, as I’ve got quite a few, and some other repair and restoration projects. I may also share some travel-related stuff, I’m not sure how personal I want to get here.

If you’ve got any questions, you can email me. This site isn’t running on a WordPress backbone or anything, so I don’t think I’ll have a way to leave comments on anything—I’m not that good at PHP. This site was written in NotePad and Komodo Edit. The site's server is hosted at DigitalOcean and runs a LAMP stack on Ubuntu 20.04.

Here are some places you can find me:

      > Instagram - It’s private, but…
      > Reddit - Not much on that account, but it's what I'll use going forward.
      > PriceCharting - An (almost) complete inventory of my video games and consoles
      > If you’re into the p2p scene, you can find me on RED, BTN, PTP, GGN, ABS, KGG, MAM, and TVV, among others.